Renowned Nollywood actress, Destiny Etiko has lamented, as she stated how the Yoruba people always want to speak their dialect even when addressing people who are likely to come from other tribes.
The actress expressed herself in a video she shared on her Instagram story as she stated that the Yoruba people are fond of always speaking their language even on blogs, and further wondered whether they think everyone is Yoruba.
She said: “I don’t just know why whenever you’re speaking to Yoruba people, they’ll always want to speak Yoruba. I don’t understand. Even on blogs. You people will just be speaking Yoruba anyhow. What do you think? You think everyone is Yoruba?”
Destiny Etiko further addressed the issue as she explained that one is not expected to speak their dialect when addressing the public. She also added that they can speak pidgin English if they cannot speak fluent English as long as it is what everyone will be able to comprehend.